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I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for the development of new technologies for diagnosis and treatment in dermatovenereology and dermatooncopathology"

These days in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, the I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for the development of new technologies for diagnostics and treatment in dermatovenerology and dermatooncopathology" is being held.
The main directions of the conference were announced - Dermatovenereology, Dermato-oncopathology, Pediatric Dermatology, Aesthetic Medicine, Innovative technologies in dermatology and aesthetic medicine.
This event in the field of dermatovenerology brought together well-known Uzbek and foreign scientists, dermatologists, oncologists, dermato-oncologists, morphologists in order to consider the problem of skin diseases through the prism of different specialties, get acquainted with the results of international research and generalize medical opinions.
Our country at this event was represented by the President of the Kazakhstan Association of Dermatovenerologists, Dermatocosmetologists, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Batpenova Gulnar Ryskeldyevna among the honorary speakers with a speech on modern aspects of orphan diseases. The report highlighted the epidemiological and clinical features of this group of diseases, the regulatory framework created for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies, as well as acute issues of providing assistance to this category of patients in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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